Wednesday, July 22, 2009

we all fall down

i had a great fall.
much like Humpty Dumpty, only slightly less severe.
there wasn't as much damage, and they didn't have to bring in the King's men, although there was talk of getting in touch with some of the horses.

falling down is actually quite spectacular, if you think about it. here's a person, normally entirely in control of all their movements, who suddenly slips/ stumbles, loses their balance completely, and in what is quite often a swift, almost comic motion, lands on the ground with a resounding thump!
to the person in question, of course, it is slightly less entertaining. but there's that moment in the middle where you're swooshing through the air with absolutely no idea where you are, or what's going on, quite clueless about when or where your bottom will come to a rest. it's a little like being drunk!

anyway, the point is, the only thing seriously injured, was my ego (and my left palm, which went quite red and achey for a while). and i shall never again giggle when people randomly take a tumble.


Thresia said...

Did falling down make you want to write? I'm coming over with all the banana peels I can find.

soumik said...

Referring to Worldview y'day? You were quite dignified actually! You might try a funnier one, one of these days :P

Magically Bored said...

You fell?? And I missed it??

storyteller said...

Aww :P

cyber monkey said...

aw! :) please don't run at me with banana peels! but it's the thought that counts :P

falling down is never, ever dignified! and i'll only try a funnier tumble if you demonstrate one first!

:( shuttup, okay! i'd be glad if more people missed it!
