Thursday, July 31, 2008


the other day, i had the most bizarre thing happen to me.
i was walking (yuss, i do this a lot!) along gariahat road, and rather slowly because there's always this entire mass of people who move in a particular direction along the sidewalk, and you can only walk as fast as the person in front of you, or you'll end up either pushing people or stepping on their toes!

so as i walked sleeewly, random guy walking in the opposite direction, drew up close to me, leaned over, and smelled my hair!!!

i mean, wtf!!? what is that even supposed to mean?!!!
does that at all count as eve-teasing? because he didn't really do anything to offend me, just really freaked me out!
maybe he was conducting some sort of shampoo-user survey...maybe!

p.s.: it's a free country, you can choose to be a blur if you want to. but only if you really, really want to.


Rhea Silvia said...

That is wierd. and it isn't really eve-teasing unless you subscribe to Phoebe's theory. You know the one.


What's In A Name ? said...

An ardent JOKER fan...maybe.

Magically Bored said...

Ki strange.
One hopes he *was* conducting a shampoo survey. :P

Monidipa said...

i hope you made sure he wasn't just wiping a leaking nose :P

cyber monkey said...

@ rhea,
then what is it supposed to mean!?what theory, btw?

@what's in a name,
i wouldn't have minded if he was half as hot as Heath Ledger! :)

:D so do i!

do you do that?! then i'll stay far away from you if u ever catch a cold!

Anonymous said...

hey...did he survive his olfactory escapade ??...given the fact that he smelled you....

Minka said...

Thank u for warning me abt this guy.I'll be careful,the next time i'm walking down Gariahat Road.Curious queston though.Did this happen anywhere near Anandamela?Ppl do a lot of weird things,near that "happy" place.

cyber monkey said...

@raccoon lord,
jus suttup, okay. you have been very close to LK's armpit, and you made it!! :O

as a matter of fact, it was near Anandamela! i guess you're right about the place after all!

Shree said...

shotti ki odbhut bepr shepaar!

@rhea: bap re, u have even started using theories while conversing with friends? scary! shotti tui professional term paper writer.

@minka: Oh good pj:) Also something tells me that you know the weird guy, do you? :P