Thursday, January 8, 2009

Goo goo g' joob

i was listening to 'I am the walrus' for the 786th (approx.) time today, when i realised that it was one of those songs which i had always just assumed to be deeply meaningful, you know,you ones you would speculate about, if you weren't conserving energy by not working your brain muscles.
imagine my disappointment when i finally got around to looking up the interpretation of the song, and was told by wise old Wikipedia that Lennon "wrote the most confusing lyric he could" because some kid from Quarry Bank Grammar School,wrote him a letter that said "the English master was making his class analyse Beatles lyrics".
so then Lennon went "Let the fuckers work that one out", and wrote a whole bunch of stuff,added some 'nonsense lyric' for effect, and made a song out of it.
in conclusion: 'I am the walrus' doesn't make any sense, because it's not supposed to.

that like totally made my day! NOT!


Rhea Silvia said...

erm... are we entirely sure this doesn't apply to other Beatles songs?

CheshireCat said...

The Beatles always said stuff like that.Look up 'Lovely Rita's interpretation. It was about this parking meter cop that Lennon(I think)met, and asked out to tea.
Yeah, sure.
Whatever you say.

PS. Nonsense is so much fun. Imagine Abol-tabol making sense!

storyteller said...

This is where I point my finger at you and laugh hysterically!

Shree said...

*agrees with Rhea Silvia*

*appreciates Soliloquist's PS very much* :D :D

cyber monkey said...

@ rhea,
it does apply to some, but not unless they make a deliberate attempt at nonsense.

@the soliloquist,
like i was telling you, i think it's really unacceptable for art to be designed so that other people can't understand it. really, Abol-Tabol makes sense to both adults and children because it has layers of meaning.

you mock? :(

*repeats above statements*

La Figlia Che Piange said...

This sorta thing happened to me with Norwegian Wood, who da thunk it was about a pyro, eh?