Saturday, October 18, 2008


do you ever get the feeling that some things are too large, too stupendous for you to accept, or even register?
maybe when it does sink in, i'll be able to cry.
right now, it's this dead weight i cannot shed, a mass of emotion that i don't know what to do with, that i can neither escape, nor express.
i don't know whether to love them for trying to protect something they believed to be fragile, or hate them for depriving me of what i deserved to know.

grief is not something i'm quite used to


Magically Bored said...

Grief is not something any of us are used to, it has a nasty habit of coming and smacking us in the face when we're least expecting it.
But you know what? Surprisingly, we find hidden strength within us, and carry on.
We are all here for you.

cyber monkey said...

thankyou tuna, that means a lot to me :)