Thursday, June 12, 2008


how long do cockroaches live?
if they're not squashed underfoot as youngsters, that is.

there's this cockroach that sneaks into my loo every night, and waits patiently behind the wash-basin till i come in and shoo it away, at which point it scuttles back down the drain-pipe.

it's a gentle, harmless creature.
but I'm not sure if it's the same cockroach, because it's been turning up with extreme regularity every day for about a month now!
do you suppose it's a whole bunch of cockroaches who decided to take turns to visit me?

anyway, it needs a name, what should i call it?


Anonymous said...

Call it Sepp Blatta. :P

Bone said...

cockroaches are never, i say never "gentle, harmless creatures"!!! it's just their existence that makes it impossible. like mosquitoes.

Magically Bored said...

I *cannot* stand cockroaches. And don't even get me started on the flying ones.

Anonymous said...

Actually cockroaches aren't that bad. They're one of Nature's little cleaners.

@Tuna, All cockroaches possess the ability of flight. So technically, you have started on the flying ones.

Rhea Silvia said...

They live long enough to grow from the teey tiny ones you can barely see to the ones almost as long as your hand. Call it Kukkaracha.


rukmini said...

You're wondering what you should call it??!! Kill it, I say!

CheshireCat said...

Roach, I guess.
But I promise I'll refuse to go to your apartment if you're keeping pet cockroaches!

cyber monkey said...

u're right, they're not that bad, they're all shiny maroon, look better than most bugs!
and what if it's a girl cockroach?

but they don't try to eat you, or suck ur blood. tahole problem-ta ki?

keno re? they're like super-bugs!

are you sure the teensie ones grow into the big ones? i thought they were a sepsrate sub-species!

noooo!why does everyone hate cockroaches?! they're soo misunderstood! :(

but like i said, it's a gentle critter :)

La Figlia Che Piange said...

OMG, are you, like, like, KIM to the cockroaches or something? Apalled!

Anonymous said...

Yes, They are separate sub-species.

Although they can cause...DISEASE.

cyber monkey said...

have named it 'blatta'. doesn't make sense, but sounds nice :)

yuss, ze cockroaches, zey luv me :)

the teensie ones are also ugly, and die easily!