Sunday, June 8, 2008


random things i remember:

#1. stuff: the HPFC, Wayne Rooney, OJ, the badge, Schumacher.

I and S, i miss you, but i hope i never run into either of you again.

#2. crush:
'Bosco beats' (band performances) 2005.
lead singer of the DBPC band was cute, and had this silkysmooth voice and a dimpled smile...he sang 'She will be loved'(yes, i know it's a corny song.)
instantcrush :)
don't remember his name.

#3. conversation:
NC: let's meet at Abhinandan at 10, okay?
RK: 'Abhinandan'!! is that what we always called the place?!
NC: that's what the store is called, stupid!
RK: na, kintu the name sounds so stupid!
NC: haan, naam-ta bhishon corny, na?
RK: sounds stupid when i say it now...

i miss school.


Magically Bored said...

Cute post!

Anonymous said...

hey....emo reminds me.....check out this song called "this love" by pantera..which by no means is emo and wud help you to come outta emo trips...awesome song....brutally true lyrics...

Anonymous said...

hey....emo reminds me.....check out this song called "this love" by pantera..which by no means is emo and wud help you to come outta emo trips...awesome song....brutally true lyrics...

CheshireCat said...

Who doesn't?

cyber monkey said...

thankew :)

@raccoon lord,
shit! you ruined my emo trip :(
great song btw, concert version be funny. amazing guitar riff!

i knowww! :(
let's go back na, pliss! :)

cyber monkey said...

also, sohini,
WHY can't i comment on your blog?!!!
whywhywhy!!??? :(